28/03/2018 03:03:12
Human rights as guaranteed by international institutions are rights for individuals and communities, yet individual and community rights could be distinguished. Individual nghts are that rights enjoyed by individuals, including that within their community. In addition to human rights provided for in international institutions for specific categories in specific community to mitigate historical injustice they suffered and compensate them, such as women ights, child rights, marginalized categories rights and people with special needs rights. All these rights are intended for natural individual human being, however fulfilling these rights is accomplished through mechanisms and specific procedures. Community rights are by nature rights enjoyed by individuals within communities, even if they require certain measures when targeting individuals. Regardless of the human rights nature, either individual or community rights, they could only be respected and attained in democratic society where equal citizenship is guaranteed. Such perspective of human rights formulates the theoretical framework on the basis of which this report issues have been identified. This report is the second in the series of annual reports published by YOHR on the state of human rights and democracy in Yemen. First principle that determines YOHR perspective is the universality and inseparability of human rights, thereby international human rights institutions have been employed here as a reference to identify human rights. Also at instances
when Yemen has reservation on certain provisions, or when national legislations do not comply with international laws, the reference has always been international institutions. In light of the above, the report contains two chapters to monitor and analyze basic civil, political, economic, social and cultural human rights. Second criteria is that guaranteeing, preserving and protection of human rights is only possible in democratic society, therefore a separate chapter has been allocated for democratic reform third criteria is taking special care and priority to preserve most vulnerable categories human rights i.e. women, child, youth and marginalized categories, for which third chapter of this report is allocated.
To see the report or download it from here